This January has been a unique kind of busy, and I have my fingers crossed that February might be a little more sane 🤞 But hey, it’s keeping me out of trouble 😉
As you remember with the change of Blood Sine Qua Non to Blood Demands, changing a book’s title is one of the Dantean levels of hell. But I am delighted to announce that Blood Eternal (formerly Blood Ad Infinitum) is now available at Amazon
(Ingram is, of course, being a problem, but that’s just honestly not a surprise anymore 🙄)
I desperately need reviews, because I cannot move reviews over from the old Blood Ad Infinitum page. So if you have read the book under the old title, or if you’re finally sagging a copy of the book now, please take a moment to leave a review. I’ve talked in previous emails about how vital this is for indie authors. Amazon treats books differently the more reviews it gets. A few minutes from your day is really the difference between a book selling or not selling for us 🙏
Here is an ad. I’m still excited about the fact that people want to run ads in my newsletter! Remember, I get paid if you just click on it, so if you have a moment, please just click. “Every little helps!”
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Raven to give talk at Emerson College on Friday
I already have butterflies in my tummy 🦋🦋🦋 This Friday I’ll be giving the presentation about being an indie author (along with the amazing Cecila Tan) at Emerson College. I will be getting video, so expect to see some clips of how it goes. Here is a graphic I made for it to illustrate the point of how people give indie authors advice like, “Oh, just get an audiobook made” (or “just do a podcast” is a common piece of advice) It’s super easy to give advice like that but it should never just be one line item on an author’s “To Do List.”

I honestly left a few steps off because I ran out of room…
The Terror
I just finished binging the amazing AMC show The Terror. I started watching on a whim, and then was like, why is this thing SO DAMN GOOD? Once I looked it up all became clear: it’s based on a Dan Simmons novel (that I now must read) and includes Ridley Scott among its executive producers. This first season is like a Patrick O’Brian novel smashed into the Predator franchise film Prey, and it’s about as perfect as television can get: amazing actors all giving it their best, amazing costuming and sets, and the FX is stupendous. Don’t miss this!
Thank you to everyone who got to the end of the newsletter: you fucking ROCK 🤘and I appreciate you! Until next time, BE GOOD OR BE GOOD AT IT! 😘
💭 I’d love to hear your thoughts, questions and feedback: drop me a note 📨
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