So the newsletter this week is being transcribed because it turns out that I cannot type with the cast on after my surgery that happened last week…

For those of you who didn’t keep up on social media, I went in to get surgery on my left hand. And it was quite exciting. I’ve been dealing with the excitement of Post-Op ever since. I had assumed I would be able to type, with my fingers being free. That I could keep up with work, you know, as soon as I could sort of stumble out of bed. But in actuality, the way the cast is set, I cannot get my fingers down onto the keys. So minor hiccup, and one I hope that I can figure out some workarounds in the next 4 weeks in which this cast is on…

This really sucks

I don’t like the transcription because it really slows me down. And honestly, the pain levels are distraction, and my frustration levels are high. So this week’s newsletter will be short.

The exciting results for the Valentines 2025 poll are in and here they are:

I think you guys chose wisely! And it’s clear you can’t wait to meet Lady Ruthven!

I’m delighted to say there’s another exciting bit of news.

In the last letter newsletter, I sent out an update on the story “Finding Bela Lugosi,” and it turns out that one of the awesome readers of this newsletter actually works in the music rights industry, and was able to give me some more information heading towards me actually getting the rights to use the song Belo Lugosi’s dead in that story‼️

Hopefully in the next newsletter there will be news letting you know when that story will be put into your hot lil hands! (Also hopefully I will have found a better way to work around my cast!)

Here’s a video on my thoughts on the mustache in Nosferatu. This obviously is a vital piece of discussion in the world that we’re living in today. And so you know, please make time for it 😉

I’m really just going to be on the down low for the next few weeks. I’m on some pretty heavy duty painkillers and it’s slowing my roll pretty considerably. So, as always, please just keep recommending the series to friends and family and asking for them to be carried at your local library and local bookstores, and I will on my end be figuring out how to type as fast as I can, and in the meantime, spinning up story ideas in my head and getting them ready to roll for you to enjoy.

I just wanted to say thank you so much for being such great newsletter readers. It means so much to me that so many of you actually read the newsletter. I try every two weeks to make it be a newsletter you actually do want to open, but the fact that you DO and that so many of you participate in the polls and in all of that silly stuff I put in here, it just means so much to me and I just want you to know that you are the best newsletter readers that an author could hope for, and I really value and appreciate you! 🥰🥰🥰

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