Most important news: the audiobook of Blood Triad finally populated out through the audiobook platforms, so we can officially announce it’s out and ready for you to stuff into your ears 🎧



Apple Books:

Audible & Amazon:  /

B&N Nook:


Google Play:



IF this list does not include YOUR audiobook dealer, reply to this email and let me know what I’m missing, and we’ll get to work setting it up. (Note that Spotify will not be included, as I don’t like their policies.)

This isn’t gonna be my longest newsletter, as I am cranking through the story I’m writing about Bela Lugosi’s Dead for the WHITE ON WHITE anthology and the deadline is looming

I’m in great company in this anthology!


I will write more about my pure delight in being a part of that project in the future, but here are some pictures of me in college in front of my Bauhaus poster to tide you over… 

For those who have been eagerly awaiting the “lesbian gangster pirate” story…

My Editor Extraordinaire has just informed me that I ain’t as done with the story as I thought: it’s currently a 10,000 word short story, and she says I basically have no choice but to take it up to a 40,000-50,000 word novella…

I see her point, so I’m afraid that you’ll all have to wait at least 30,000 words longer for that story (and for me to then get my derrière in gear on the fourth novel in the series, sigh)

HOWEVER. I’m having a feck of a time coming up for a title for this story. So… drumroll please 🥁🥁🥁

Anyone who wants to suggest a title to me can request the nascent story and then pitch out some ideas. So hit reply to this if you want in on naming the next B&AS story novella! (It’s rare that I let anybody see my stories at this stage, so you know I’m desperate for a solid title 😂)

Your music rec for this newsletter is the brilliant Hot Damn by Blimes and Method Man (which is a great song but I also hear it constantly right now because my partner Trent plays it at least once a day 😂)

Gotta rush back to writing my Bauhaus story! So, for now, be good or be good at it 😘

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