Another stuffed-to-bursting newsletter, so here’s what’s below:

🔗 ALL the links (so far) for Blood Demands in Audiobook

🎃 Halloween Sale info & Halloween costume picture!

🎤 Interview with fantasy author Montrez

👻 Spooky Geek Faire info THIS UPCOMING SUNDAY!

🤘That #authorlife section (video for you!)

🎧 Music rec & poll playlist

With no further ado, let’s get this newsletter rolling!

Blood Demands is finally ready for you to put in your ears! Here is the list of places you can buy it:













This list is not complete, because, as you may recall, since we are a small indie company, the audiobook platforms don’t prioritize our pub date they way they do for bigger name publishers. If you do not see your preferred platform email me and I will send you an email the minute the book drops on that platform.

Dracula hypnotizing another victim…

Our Annual Halloween Sale runs Oct 28th -Nov 1st

🎃 99c each! The ebooks of Blood Ex Libris & the shiny new Blood Demands will both dropped down to a great price to get them on your ebook reader, or to gift to friends and family who haven’t started the series yet.

🧛‍♀️ Even more exciting, if you want signed paperbacks, Blood Ex Libris & Blood Demands drop to $13 each, and will arrive to you with a Blood Ex Libris microfiber screen wipe, and the awesome black and red mesh bags!

Don’t be scared by Dracula in the above picture—that’s just Archie, owning the role! 🧛

I’m playing Lucy Westenra (although my dress is off by a couple decades, as hoop skirts were worn from the mid 1850s-1860s, and Dracula is set in 1893. But I really loved the striped dress from Victorian Choice, so please indulge me this one time in not being perfectly historically accurate 🙏)

You see, this dress was too gorgeous to pass up!

The shoot was incrediblewe got it in a period of two hours between some rainy spellsa Halloween Miracle! The location is Bancroft’s castle, which fits the atmosphere you’d want for Dracula perfectly: it was a sanatorium for a while in the early 1900s, and was burned down by fireworks in the 1930.  It is now haunted, of course.

I want extra points for this because I missed a pin that was holding the wig down on the wig-head, and about halfway through the shoot, I rested my head against the stone windowsill and the pin jammed into my scalp, and the only thing to do was just deal with it until the shoot was over and I could take off the wig 😂😭

Please take a moment to click on the following ad. It makes me money with each click, so for a few seconds of your day, and no money spent, you can support me! 🙏

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I recently had a chance to sit down with Montrez, author of Errant (part of the The 12:01 Trilogy ) and creator of the Novel Creature Network. We had an amazing discussion about found family, chronic illness influencing our characters, and which tropes we love and hate in fantasy. It went live on Instagram and YouTube yesterday. Enjoy!

Come down to The Spooky Geek Faire on Sunday

Sunday Oct 27th Noon – 6PM A craft faire with a spooky (and geeky) twist! featuring one-of-a-kind art pieces, illustrations, books, and more. Get your shiny new copies of Blood Demands signed by me! I will be in my Halloween costume and will have hot spiced cider for you! 🍵

Pandemonium Books & Games 4 Pleasant St, Cambridge, MA 02139

That #indie #authorlife

In the last newsletter I ranted for a bit about how complex turning Blood Sine Qua Non into Blood Demands was. I’ve done a reel to follow that up, so if you want to see more of the behind the scenes, you’ll love this.

Watch on Instagram or YouTube, and leave a comment 🙂

I now have more to rant about, because Ingram has fucked up our Blood Demands listing with booksellers. We know we put everything in right on our end, but we have been sent a screenshot from the booksellers’ end that demonstrates that Ingram messed up my name, so no one who looks for “Raven Belasco” is able to list the book for sale, and it’s not counted as part of the series. This would not be a serious problem if Ingram would just go in and sort it out, but they notoriously take weeks to respond to any “customer service” communication, so we literally have no idea when Blood Demands will finally be available anywhere except Amazon 🤬 Email me if you want to request being told when it will be available from or other stores…

🎧 The Music Rec this week is bigger than usual! It’s the Playlist for Blood Demands, the fantasy soundtrack I heard in my head as I was writing it.

Something for everyone, and hopefully a mix of fresh tunes and old favorites

You can listen on TIDAL or SPOTIFY.

To everyone who made it this far, you’re fucking amazing! Until next time, be good or be good at it! 😘

💭 I’d love to hear your thoughts, questions and feedback: drop me a note 📨

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Blood Ex Libris | Blood Demands | Blood Ad Infinitum | Blood Triad 

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